Friday, August 04, 2006

Mushrooms...friend and foe!

OMG...I can't remember when I felt this sick. First came the extreme stomach pains that lasted about 4 hours, then extreme nausea followed by the constant upchucks and then the trots. I haven't eaten anything since Wednesday night and it was zuchinni and mushrooms. I bought the package of mushrooms on Tuesday and Wednesday night I cooked them and they were great. However, they didn't look great but what do I know about mushrooms? They had these round dark indentions on them which I have since found out that was fungus. Fungus on my biggie, right? WRONG...turns out it can and will give you a toxic bateria infection.

I'm going to attempt to eat toast today. Pray for me!


At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope you feel better


At 11:10 AM, Blogger Nicki said...

Now I'm going to be afraid to eat mushrooms. I hope you're happy.


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