Sunday, March 05, 2006

Being Single Ain't So Bad........

According to the latest study by Dr. Timothy Smith, a psychologist from the University of Utah, it seems the manner in which husbands and wives argue over such hot-button topics such as money, in-laws, and children, may be a factor in their risk of developing coronary atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries of the heart.

In a study of 150 couples, mostly in their 60s, researchers found that women who behaved in a hostile manner during marital disputes were more likely to have atherosclerosis, especially if their husbands were also hostile.

In men, hostility -- their own or their wives -- was not related to atherosclerosis. However, men who behaved in a dominating or controlling manner -- or whose wives behaved in that way -- were more likely to have clogged coronary arteries.

Gee, I recently read that being single can shorten your life but being married can too, I guess were all going to die...someday. I wonder how much money the government gives these idiots to study the obvious?


At 9:44 PM, Blogger CatWoman said...

Livi your not alone. I'm 47 and no boyfriend, and no prospects of one ever. I may as well have hardened arteries and move on to the next world. Being alone sucks. It doesn't mean you're a failure though. Things happen. One has the right to be picky and not go for just anyone. It just means we have to self reflect and figure out what exactly it is we need to do and do it to resolve.
BTW I always disliked clowns and having seen IT makes me hate them more. That clown was clown from hell and I still hate Tim Curry. LOL


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