Saturday, July 08, 2006


A friend who also has a blog has been talking about her dreams and it made me think about one of many of my reoccuring dreams. One I'd had over and over with slight alterations since I was 12 years old. Back at age 12, I was living in tornado alley and a big one was on the way. We usually hid in a closet but this one was suppose to be a mile wide so we headed up to the church to hide in the basement along with most of the rest of the neighbors. It was afternoon and you could see it coming for us. We were running like crazy for the 2 blocks which seemed to be long as this tornado was wide and when we got there, some of us stayed outside till the last minute to watch it's fury and that's when it split in two and became twin tornados. I ran into the basement and waited it out. It was frightening.

When it was all over, there was a lot of damage and about 1/4 of the houses were leveled but ours made it and soon things got back to normal, except for my dreams.

Ever since then I have the reoccuring dream where I'm outside in a big open field and suddenly the sky becomes filled with tornados, 30 at least and their all coming for me. I run into a house that is not mine but empty and hide in the laundryroom by the pipes in the corner and the tornados blow the door off the hinges and come right in. Their smaller at this point, only about 3ft wide. They pass all around me as if they are looking for me. They come within inches but can't detect me then they slowly leave.

I don't know the exact meaning of this dream but I have it about 6 times a year. I left tornado alley in 1989 and am now out here in So Cal where they are very rare and very small and weak so it confuses me as to why I still have this dream.

Any dream interpreters out there or do you have an interesting dream to share?


At 3:40 PM, Blogger doctor chip said...

got shtein?

it means you should go somewhere other than the laundry room...

my own dreams scare me; I seldom remember them outside of the first 5 or so waking minutes, but the ones I remember are usually a premonition of something bad happening. true fact.




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