At 42 and childless, I've had my moments of depression over not having kids and it's usually after seeing someones adorable little girl behaving but 5 minutes later the kid is screaming and I'm glad I didn't have any. I just don't have the patience for it, even my cat gets on my nerves.
I feel that the best reason to have kids is so there will be someone to take care of you when you're old, senile and can no longer wipe yourself. However, it appears that more often than not, the kids are too busy, too far away or too selfish to bother with their parents anyway so it's a gamble counting on them for your elderly care.
My new focus is now preparing to age alone so I'm maxing out all my retirement funds, I've already paid for and set up my demise with the Netune Society, my will is all planned out (my bitchy cousin Marie who constantly shows me pity, " sad for you, your life must be so empty" for not having children gets nothing) and now all I have to do is decide where to retire, it gets pretty cold up here in the mountains which might not be good for arthritis.
Anyway, some of my other friends have told me reasons they want to have kids (they are still single, in their 40's and it ain't happening...get over it) and I have come up with some answers for their reasons.....
"I want to create a family so I could feel part of one, since the one I was born into leaves much to be desired."
Go see a therapist--it's cheaper and more rewarding.
"I want to have kids for selfish reasons: I want the life experience of being a mother. "
Go get a doll that eats and wets itself.
"I really want to be a parent. I had always wanted to have children (the more the better in my mind since childhood!). I do enjoy children, but I'm also good with children. I believe I can raise a good, responsible adult for the future..."
Lots of people believe that, and then they have to go back to work and after work they go see their adorable child, now grown, at Chino Prison...visiting hours are from 4 to 6.
"I look forward to watching them grow and hope that I can repeat the things my parents did right with me and add some good things of my own, while not making too many mistakes in the process."
Sounds like you need to spend more time in the kitchen COOKING, where you can add all the extra ingredients you want to Mom's recipes, and nobody gets hurt.
"It's a bid for eternal life, really; my way of investing in a future I won't be alive to see. It allows me to be a part of something bigger than myself. Selfish, really, when I think about it, especially since I know that if I had a daughter, her life would be HERS, not mine - but I would always be a part of her, no matter what sort of relationship we had, and that gives me tremendous pleasure."
So donate to charity if you really want to be part of something bigger than yourself that will outlive you.
"Like the others, it was a need I had to be a part of the life cycle."
So get a dog.
Any other reasons I missed????