Monday, February 12, 2007

So What Now?

As you may have noticed, I rarely post anymore. I'm just so tired and stretched in so many directions that what use to be a stress outlet is now a stress just to think about so I asked myself, why did I first start to blog? Well, I did it to vent but as time went on I vented less and less and became an entertainer. Yes, I love to laugh and I like posting funny and bizarre crap. But also as time has gone on I have 3 other blogs plus a myspace page and I don't really vent on any of them mainly because I don't want to bore anybody with my whining and because as much as I want things to change, I can't figure out how to change them so what's the point, right?

Who am I? Where am I going? What do I want out of life? I haven't a clue. I'm loose on the highway without a Thomas Guide asking people who are just as lost as I am, how to get there. I find it funny that most of my close friends see me as the voice of reason, their pillar of strength, the one with all the answers...if they only had a

So....what the hell am I going to post on here or should I just say fuck it and dump the whole thing? Naaaa, I'd just miss it and make yet another one. I do think i'll vent more though, it feels good even if it does bore people. Hell for all I know it might make others not feel so bad for being as lost as I am or better yet, maybe someone out there with a kickass GPS will help me find my way.



At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I couldn't help but notice that you created a Live Journal... Why not post there for a bit? Get used to it? Play with it? Hmmmm? Hmmmmm? Hmmmmm? :-)

Loves ya!!!


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