Friday, September 22, 2006

First Reaction

Okay this is called FIRST REACTION. Type what comes to your mind first whenever you hear these 50 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. It doesn't matter how random just type it!

1. Cigarettes:: Gross
2. Sex:: Femal (ok, so it's been awhile)
3. Relationships:: Unattainable
4. Your Last Ex:: Vain, self absorbed egotist
5. Power rangers:: toys
6. Crack:: what plumbers shouldn't show.
7. Food:: Comforting
8. The President:: Mass murderer
9. War:: Pointless
10. Cars:: Freedom
11. Gas Prices:: Coming down only because of the Nov elections
12. Halloween:: mmmm candy
13. Bon Jovi:: 80's
14. Religion:: A divider of men
15. MySpace:: For kids.
16. Worst Fear:: Dying alone
17. Marriage:: Elusive
18. Fashion:: for gay men
19. Brunettes:: smart
20. Redheads:: hot
21: Work:: Draining
22: Pass the time:: Read.
23. One night stands:: Disaster.
24: Cell Phone:: lifes blood.
25: Pet Peeves:: crappy drivers
26: Pixie Stix:: bitter
27: Vanilla Ice cream:: good w/chocolate cake
28: Porta Potties:: Gross now that the urinals are at face level
29: High school:: Holding pattern.
30: Chocolate:: The answer to all lifes problems
31: Pajamas:: Flannel
32. Wood:: deck (just got a new one built)
33. Surfers:: dumb dudes
34. Pictures:: a slap of reality
35. First true love:: Shaggy ( a dog).
36. Hair:: need to vacuum the sofa (cat).
37. Babies:: Heartbreaking.
38. Corvettes:: Mid-Life Crisis Cars
39. CD:: burn
40. Men:: fun and elusive (there's that word again)
41. Women:: Complicated and tiring on the phone.
42. Porn:: Only if it's free.
43. Jewelry:: Waste of money.
44. Piercings:: 2
45. Oil:: cooking
46. I Love You:: powerful words
47. Football:: Fall
.48. Basketball:: Yawn.
49. Baths:: no, can't relax enough to enjoy them
50. True Love:: Something some of us never find.

I tag everybody!


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