Wednesday, October 26, 2005

What Is Your Favorite Scary Movie?

It's time for the networks to start running all the scary movies and I was talking to friends today about what movie was the scariest to them. Here are a few of mine.

The Omen - I was 16 and home alone for the weekend the first time I saw this movie. I had to sleep with the lights on and a baseball bat cause we all know that a louiseville slugger will surely kill satan. I noticed that in the movie, everytime someone got too close, discovered too much, they bit the big one and since I watched the movie I now knew all about who Damien was so I was sure that satan was on his way to my house to take my soul!!!

The Exorcist - Another movie I saw alone in my room, in the dark. I was more numb than scared by it but it was awesome and I became a major Linda Blair fan...must have seen Sarah T. - Potrait of a Teenage Alcoholic a million times "Stayed in bed all morning, just to pass the time, there's something wrong here there can be no denying...." ya had to see it. Father Carass was awesome it wrong to be hot for a priest?

It's Alive - Watching this as an adult, it is really cheesy but at the time I was 15 and saw it in the theater with a girlfriend and that damn devil baby with fangs would make these horrible sounds and crawl around on the floor to sneak up on it's prey so we kept thinking that damn baby was crawling along the theater floor...I swear I stopped babysitting for infants after that movie!

The Shining - Jack Nicholson was the best at being a creepy husband and those twins, the blood, the old lady in the bathtub, REDRUM! REDRUM!....Here's Johnny! Excellent film, good scary stuff....but if you want to see The Shining in a different light....go here..oh, the men will like this site BTW.

So...tell us...what is your favorite scary movie?????


At 10:50 AM, Blogger Nicki said...

When I was younger, Nightmare on Elm Street scared the SHIT out of me. I was TERRIFIED to go to sleep!

Now that I'm older, I'd have to say Ju-on, the Asian version of The Grudge. I jumped so high watching that, I smacked myself in the face.

At 9:38 PM, Blogger Livi of the Mountain said...

Ju-on? Never heard of it. I'll have to ad it to my netflix queue.


At 11:25 AM, Blogger Nicki said...

Have you heard of The Grudge? That's the American version of the Asian film.

Asian horror, hands down, has quickly become my favorite sub-genre of horror. Ju-On, Ringu, The Sisters (can't remember the Asian title or if there IS an Asian title). There's very litte gore, but the psychological effects... oh my.


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