Saturday, October 22, 2005

I expect this attitude from a guy but...

I had an interesting conversation with a woman last night. She's married to a friend of mine who visits me now and then. Were just buds, always have been. Anyway, she was telling me how this woman down the street from them is trying to be friendly to "Bob" and that she asks him down to help her around the house now and then and it's making her furious and I said to her, well you don't mind when he spends half the day driving up here to see me and even stays overnight now and then and she said,

"yeah but you're offense."

Yeah, I am, so what? I could still screw your husbands brains out.

She laughed at me and said, "Livi, I love you and you're my friend but be honest here, you're fat and men don't like fat you're "safe".

So apparently I am a "safe" woman to allow around your men. I can't remember the last time I was that insulted, nor can I remember the last time I ran into such a naive woman.

True, most men would not marry a fat chick, but most would still have sex with one and virtually all of them would accept a blow job from them.

So listen up skinny bitches, we fat chicks may not be able to take your man but we sure can give him what he needs and wants and mostly likely what he isn't getting at home.


At 10:51 PM, Blogger .- said...

goddammit. you aren't fat. and you aren't as stupid as some people are that you would settle for someone else's husband anyway....

At 7:13 AM, Blogger Nicki said...

Ugh. A friend of my roommate's pissed me off like that once. Long story short, I was climbing out of the back of my roommate's extended cab Ranger (aka, not a very big truck, and without rear doors). This guy was giving a funny look, so I said, "Ever seen a truck give birth?" He said, "I just feel bad for any guys watching." I asked why, and he said, "They'll see your face and think you're nice looking, and then they'll see the rest of you."

Some people shouldn't be allowed to breathe, let alone speak.


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