Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Sociopath Next Door

I recently purchased this book by Martha Stout, PHD because I think I have one next to me, not here at home, but at work. Statistics state that 100 times more people are sociopaths than there are people diagnosed with colon cancer which is about 1 in 25. These cold, manipulative people without conscience are loose among us; no signs, nothing and I think I have one near me at work. I will call her Marion Crane after the character in Psycho, not that she was a true sociopath, I just like the name.

"Marion" is showing many of the signs. There are seven.

1. Failure to conform to social norms (I like this one).
2. Deceitfullness, manipulativeness.
3. Impulsivity, failure to plan ahead.
4. Irritability, aggressiveness.
5. Reckless disregard for the safety of self and others.
6. Consistant irresponsibility.
7. Lack of remorse after hurting, stealing or mistreating another person.

To have any 3 of these symptoms suggests sociopathic mentality. She has all seven.

This is why I purchased this book, it's a survival manual at this point as I think this crazy bitch is out to get me fired so she can move up the ladder. Now I've run across many people like this in my cut throat business but not like Marion, she is the type I could easily see winding up on the 11 o'clock news as the top story. For example, someone recently stole something of hers and today she left her notebook open and I had to get a file from her desk and the page was filled with ideas for how to murder this individual...really sick ways like a drawing of the person being blugeoned to death by the item that was stolen and about 20 different other ideas.

Also she lies constantly, is always late yet never tells the boss about it, takes credit for work she didn't do, recently gave secret pics of something our company will sell next year to her colleagues from her previous employer which is a competitor, steals from work and sets others up to look bad. How does she do this and keep her job? Good question, she has all the managers snowed. It's pure deceit and manipulation and she is a pro at it. Perhaps if it weren't effecting me nagatively, I might even admire her skills but she is just way off the deep end. She recently went on a trip and forgot to feed her cat before she left. She was gone 3 days and didn't give it a second thought, it was just a cat and she kinda thought it was neat how much weight it lost. One sick bitch.

So, I hope this book saves me but if there are any experts on how to deal with a sociopath out there reading this, feel free to respond with survival tactics!


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