Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Here come those Santa Ana winds again....

It's that time here in SoCal and I'm lucky to be home right now. I left work at 4pm, got home at 8:40pm. I drove as far as I could then the highway signs lit up with warnings of high winds then overturned semi's and blocked roads so I pulled off and shopped, then ate hoping it would clear up, it never did. I had to back track and find another way home. Coming up the mountain was awful, tree branches, rocks, tumbleweeds and idiots blowing all over the highway. Here's a tip, hold onto the wheel with both hands, oh and slow down a bit. Hope all this wind clears the pine needles off my roof so I don't have to pay someone to do it. http://www.usatoday.com/weather/wsanta.htm


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