Sunday, October 16, 2005

Going, going, gone...

You have a path in front of you. A map with the route clearly marked, you're on your way.

Then like an idiot, something different is dangled in front of you and you ignore that map, go after what's behind door #3 and take one wrong turn after another. What distracted you turned out to be crap and you knew it would but you keep going.

You keep second guessing yourself, "Is this right? It doesn't feel right" yet you keep going. Years pass and still you keep going knowing deep down that you screwed up big, you made all the wrong turns, all the wrong decisions and everything that was waiting for you on the right path is now gone. You don't want to face that. You're getting old and tired. Too tired, so you just keep going on that same wrong path, farther and farther into the void.

Fall of 93. That's when I turned off my path. Some idiot jerks try to tell you, "Hey, it's never too late to turn back, life's a do'over, let a smile be your umbrella." and you just want to slap the shit out of them because you know that the things you wanted that were yours, yours to keep, yours to lose are lost...gone, can't get them back, impossible.

Fall of 93 for me........when did you take that wrong path?

"What the heart has onced owned and had, it shall never lose.""~Henry Ward Beecher - LIAR!

Funny, the things that run through your mind when your washer breaks down.


At 1:12 PM, Blogger Nicki said...

But, but, you're not supposed to dwell on that. You.. you're supposed to think about all the GOOD things that happened to you when you WENT down that wrong path, not about the things you missed out on!!

At least that's what I tell myself to make it all better.

Stupid bad decisions.

At 4:23 PM, Blogger a572mike said...

Fall of 93 eh? Interesting, I know several people who can trace things back to a turning point that came about during the fall of that year, including myself, however, I see mine as being a good turning point...

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Livi of the Mountain said...

Oh Freaky, if only some good things HAD happened. It's as if I turned down the road of bad karma and to make it worse, it's a clear open path, no trees so I can look over and see the things I missed on the right path...sigh. I was PMSing and I washer broke and ate my brand new black jean...bad bad :-) was the year I turned 30 and I hit a major mid-life crisis...didn't know it happened to women.


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