Wednesday, December 06, 2006


No, not this kind,

This is the type of kiss I mean. My best friend and I were talking today about kissing (not each other, go hose yourself down) and we both realized that we have dumped many guys simply because we couldn't bring ourselves to kiss them. They were nice, handsome, funny, all around great catches but we couldn't kiss them because they always had bad breath. You know, that, I haven't been to a dentist and had my teeth cleaned in 5 years smell? That smell of built up plaque along with the yellowing. The kind of breath that enters the room 5ft in front of the guy? Seems we both have run into guys like this to the point where we decided that from now on, we'll only pick up guys in dentist offices or their parking lots just to be sure we don't encounter those other guys again because you know you can't tell them. If you attempt to tell them, they get offended, embarrassed and then they are the ones who leave "the bitch who is just too hard to please".

So, guys and gals...if you want a kiss, go brush your fucking teeth first, ok? Brush hard, brush for at least 2 minutes, brush your tongue, floss and rinse. Then we'll kiss you till your teeth rattle and you HAVE to go to the dentist!


At 8:38 AM, Blogger Nicki said...

Amen and hallejuah!!

At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... you're so damn demanding. Sheeeesh. Hard to please, I tell ya. What's the aroma of a 3-week old roadkill that's been baking in the August sun between two lovers? Damn woman... such high standards.


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