Monday, November 28, 2005

Married Men Please Read!!!!

I recently joined an adult personals site and in less than 24 hours, my inbox has been bombarded by married or otherwise attached men looking for hot, wet, nasty sex that they "can't get at home" or "our sex life is vanilla, I'm looking for strawberries n cream" or "our sexlife is unfulfilling" or "our sexlife is non-existant" or " my wife won't do what I want".

I asked 3 of these guys if their wives EVER did what they wanted and they all said yes. Well guess what fellas, they still will but you need to get things going again. Why do these men all feel it's up to the wives or girlfriends to keep their sex life lively?

Ask yourself, what is different now? I'll tell're treating her like a wife in bed....yawn! How did you treat her when you first met her? You treated her like the hot chick you wanted to have sex with...passion... lust...fireworks. You're in a rut so break out of it. I bet she's just as hungry as you are.

Start dating her again. Not mushy flowers and I love you's. Take her to a rock concert then to bed! Come home early and attack her in the middle of the day like you just laid eyes on her. Give her hot, wet, nasty sex...that's what you wanted when you emailed me wasn't it?

If you don't, perhaps she will get an adult personals ID and send emails to men saying she can't get what she needs at home and like you, she'll get it elsewhere.

~Livi getting off her soapbox now and hoping to hear from SINGLE men.~


At 8:59 PM, Blogger .- said...

may be out of town weds - fri. ...if I don't submit my HNT now... I'll miss Thursday post - unthinkable - I am posting tonight


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