Friday, November 25, 2005

Beer Goggles

Is that Rachel Hunter over there?

Beer goggles trick the eye from "The Daily Mail"........

Scientists have revealed a formula to calculate how "beer goggles" affect a drinker's vision. The well-known booze-fuelled phenomenon gradually transforms ugly people into beauties - until the morning after.

Now researchers at Manchester University can explain and quantify the effect after developing a formula. And while beauty is in the sight of the beer-holder, the amount of alcohol consumed is not the only factor in the beer goggle effect, researchers say.

Additional factors include the level of light in the pub or club, the drinkers own eyesight, the smokiness of the room and the distance between two people. All add up to make the aesthetically challenged more attractive, according to the formula.

Professor Nathan Efron, Professor of Clinical Optometry at the University of Manchester, said: "The beer goggles effect isn't solely dependent on how much alcohol a person consumes, there are other influencing factors at play too. "The formula shows for example, that a person with poor vision who's talking to someone in a very smoky bar will be experiencing a beer goggles effect close to someone who has consumed eight pints in a smoke-free and well-lit room."

Final score
The formula can work out a final score to measure the effect.
Less than 1, means no beer goggle effect - an "ugly" person remains ugly.
A score of 1-50 means a slight beer goggle effect - making a person you would normally find very unattractive slightly less "visually offensive".
A score of 51 - 100 means a moderate beer goggle effect - a person who is by no means appealing becomes suddenly sexually attractive.
A score of more than 100 means a severe beer goggle effect - the "minger" you were talking to an hour ago now looks like Kylie Minogue or George Clooney.

The professor added: "Thus, for example, someone with normal vision (6/6) who has consumed five pints of beer and views a person 1.5 metres away in a fairly smoky (grade 7) and poorly lit (30 candelas per square metre) room will score 55, which means that they would suffer from a moderate beer goggle effect.

"Increasing beer consumption to eight pints would give a score of 140, leading to a severe beer goggle effect." The research was commissioned by Bausch & Lomb PureVision, one of the world's biggest eyecare firms, after polling more than 1,000 SpeedDater members.

The researchers failed to discuss the related phenomenon: the "Coyote Ugly Syndrome" (CUS) wherein self-inflicted amputation often follows myopic episodes of tiny bubble connsumption. Researchers at the University of Wyoming in Cheyenne have also pointed out that the CUS is not restricted to coyotes but also occured in the case of trapped wolves in Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, and Minnesota as well as in Canada during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.The "three-legged wolf syndrome" was prevalent during this time due the the tendency of trappers to over-indulge in alcoholic spirits and, as a result, failed to run their trap lines for several days at a time.

... and of course one can't forget PWS, or Polish Wolf Syndrome, where the wolf chews off three of his legs and is still trapped.


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